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Teeth Whitening: Simple, Safe and Effective

With today’s advances in cosmetic dentistry, it’s possible to turn even badly stained or yellowing teeth into dazzling white smiles. At the office of Central Avenue Dental, our teeth whitening procedure offers a fast and effective way to erase stains and tooth discoloration, brightening your smile by up to several shades.

Teeth can become stained due to persistent exposure to highly pigmented foods and beverages, as well as tobacco use. Not surprisingly, dark-colored foods and beverages, including red wine, soda, dark sauces, and various fruits -- such as grapes, blueberries and pomegranates -- also have the potential to stain teeth. These items are high pigment-producing substances that stick to tooth enamel, making them appear discolored as a result. Aging can also cause your smile to lose its sparkle as enamel begins to thin, exposing more of the yellowish, underlying dentin.

With a reputation for providing the highest quality of care and offering a comprehensive range of the most advanced cosmetic dental procedures, we can improve the appearance of your teeth to give you the radiant set of pearly whites you’ve always wanted. Teeth whitening is a popular approach to cosmetically enhancing less-than-perfect smile; in fact, studies show that 90 percent of dental patients have talked to their dentists about professional teeth whitening treatment.

Your trusted partner in care

When you visit the office of Central Avenue Dental, you can expect compassionate, personalized care from an experienced team of professionals. We customize your treatment plan to suit your individual needs, making your teeth whitening experience positive and stress-free. We can also provide you with a customized whitening kit, which allows you to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home. Our goal is to help you smile with the utmost confidence. For more information on our office and the many services that we provide, give us a call today.

By Central Avenue Dental - Valley Stream

November 1, 2019

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